A huge thanks to all those who voted and supported the Tree of the Year New Zealand 2022!
2024 Nominees
Read the Rākau Momori story here
A huge thanks to all those who voted and supported the Tree of the Year New Zealand 2023!
Previous Finalists
Hansen Lemon Tree
Nominated by:
Claudia Babirat
Photo Credit:
Claudia Babirat
NZ Tree Register Number:
The New Zealand Tree Register (NZTR) holds detailed information on notable trees in New Zealand.
This lemon at Rangihoua (Citrus x limon) is believed to be the oldest surviving lemon tree in the country! It stands on the site where Māori and Europeans first learned to live side by side and is a popular tourist attraction which is visited by thousands of people every year.
Bay of Plenty
Nominated by:
The Hukutaia Domain Care Group
Photo Credit:
Brian V Milner
NZ Tree Register Number:
The New Zealand Tree Register (NZTR) holds detailed information on notable trees in New Zealand.
Taketakerau (Vitex lucens) is sacred to the Ūpokorehe Iwi (Tribe). It grows in the Hukutaia Domain, near Ōpōtiki, and is considered to be more than 2000 years old. The ancient tree was used 200 to 300 years ago by the people of Ūpokorehe to safeguard ancestral bones. The area is a wāhi tapu (a sacred site) and the tree is the reason this reserve survives today, surrounded by farmland.
Plimmer Oak
Nominated by:
Photo Credit:
Alexander Turnbull Library
NZ Tree Register Number:
The New Zealand Tree Register (NZTR) holds detailed information on notable trees in New Zealand.
Plimmer Oak (Quercus robur) is an important symbol of Wellington's history and identity. It is over 150 years old and the acorn from which this tree was grown was sent from South Africa to John Plimmer by Sir George Grey when he was Governor of the Cape Colony, South Africa.
Rākau Momori
Rēkohu /Chatham Island
Nominated by:
Hokotehi Moriori Trust
Photo Credit:
Ashleigh Ryan
NZ Tree Register Number:
The New Zealand Tree Register (NZTR) holds detailed information on notable trees in New Zealand.
Rākau momori are unique Moriori carvings (or dendroglyphs) into living kōpi trees (Corynocarpus laevigatus) and are now only found on Rēkohu (the main Chatham Island) and are becoming increasingly rare due to a range of environmental factors. This finalist is the largest remaining tree in the grove. Could this tree be the face of 2023?
The kilbryde Pohutukawa
Nominated by:
Photo Credit:
NZ Tree Register Number:
The New Zealand Tree Register (NZTR) holds detailed information on notable trees in New Zealand.
Whilst this tree takes pride of place for all to see in Dove-Myer Robinson Park, the real attributes of this grand old pōhutukawa remain hidden by its own immense canopy until those curious enough step inside to take a closer look.
Christchurch Gallipoli Oak
Nominated by:
Photo Credit:
NZ Tree Register Number:
The New Zealand Tree Register (NZTR) holds detailed information on notable trees in New Zealand.
Also known as ANZAC Oak (Quercus hartwissiana), it was planted on August 4, 1924 and is an important symbol of remembrance, often included in ANZAC Day commemorations. It was grown from an acorn collected on the Gallipoli battlefield in Turkey (and sent home in a tobacco tin.